Urofilia (golden showers)
taboo Touching another point, of course, the theme of today is the urofilia, or the famous "golden showers." Who has not heard the term and thought to himself: "That sucks, is something I never do, let mee person above me, never!"
Urine is sterile until it leaves the body, in addition, being part of my or my loved one, do not see anything nasty, but never reach the end of the urine of another person. I guess it all depends on how big the fetish of the person, may consume the urine, although I have heard that several people have health problems due to uric acid and should not do it.
This practco accumulates in the joints and if not given any treatment, can destroy the affected joints. It should be noted that repetition of this condition can lead to a condition known as chronic tophaceous gout, which can cause kidney damage by the formation of uric acid.