Magino who think they can get between Sam and Dean but this chapter has made it clearer than the water that comes from them not only a bond of blood ... Sam and Dean do not have that relationship simply pq are brothers, have that relationship pq have made throughout their lives, and that family really is. Adam himself says:

Sam: ... I do not know anything, I know, but I beg you, please trust me, give me some time.
Adam: Give me one good reason to.
Sam: Because we are of the same blood.
Adam: You have no right to tell me that. Bobby: You're still the son of John.
Adam: No, John Winchester was a guy who took me to a baseball game once a year, I have no father. Canwe are of the same blood but we are not family. My mother is my family. And if I do my job I will ever see.
I love that Adam does not lightly accept their new sibling seemed to Ghoul-Adam, I must say I did not expect that they had a very different personality, but I love it. I love that does not accept John as his father, that all he cares about is his mother and that somehow we see that "free will" which gave John (/ God) is not so simple, and have to suffer equally from their point of view his life has been as hard or more than the Winchis. I think someone should make him understand that Lucifer pq think it's the first thing that humans do not understand ...
And by the way, all the hate AdamI've been seeing the last days and might be enough for the team understood at once that most of the fandom hates characters pq girls are not girls, but pq is a threat, and Adam and Castiel-haters are proof of it ... They are kids and hate them equally. Yes, it is clear that there is out there a yaoi-fan sector important to accept more noise such as that of Cas are not only well built but pq pq continue to fuel the sleaze gay and that's all that matters to them, but we ... The fandom is not formed only by such fans and I hate to think the team is well and the worst, taking into account the criteria ...
By the way, is it me or has been a plot-hole Mr Adam has been raised within thexDDD vacilándote thus
Zach: "Hey, but if it's any consolation is that you are the illegitimate half-brother of the type that interests us. Not bad, right?"
xDDDDDDDD No, not bad, not even the brother of everything and not even legitimate, but hey, less is nothing xD Poor Adam, it is clear that tp life has treated him very well, it is normal to save some Winchester family grudges and find it hard to trust them, after all have never been there for him when I really needed. I was excited when Dean has come for him and Adam has been caught saying
"You Came For Me ..." . Were not expected to come get him used to go ;___; Well boy, pq pMuch of the chapter has been to demonstrate how incredibly awesome it is Cas, yes or yes? Thankfully, Misha has learned to fight xDDDDD pq 70% of the action scenes fall in Cas SPN lately delivering firewood to left and right. Come on, for distributing the shared yoyas even Dean himself. Poor Cas, I said much the scene for the videos that came out before the chapter but Dean deserved that and more. Agilipollao is lost during the start. If that were not enough to tell Bobby that he is not his father, starts to falter Castiel humiliated in that way with the sexual issue is knowing how sensitive this issue for him, I wanted to give a Guarrazar. It is clear that Dean can be ruined when you, my mother hasnsentido. But Khobar ... already I feel bad for Castiel ... When the sacrifices of so Molona (repeat, SO Molona *.*) or a gesture or a word just ... In short, it's better when you recover you devote a good reason And Bobby ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ tb Dean is that the flap has been a bad thing, of course showed very similar features to the Dean of The End ...
Yeah, well, I guess I'm Not That Smart "
Hats. Sam has been absolutely amazing, I can only take my hat off to him. His Attitude has changed everything has changed to misconceptions that (at least I) still kept the season fourth. You know that I can become somewhatand takes part with Sam when I get my mother vein, but this time it was like getting a slap on the mouth of the mother xDDDD The way Dean has relied on has completely changed my view of the fourth season. Pq I always complained I did not like the fact that Sam had left as the main culprit for the release of Lucifer rather than blaming the brothers for more equitably ... Well, okay, now we see that the blame if it was both. Sam's attitude in this capital has shown a fulminant what Dean did wrong, or rather, that he should have done in the fourth season and was not able: to trust his brother. And now Dean suddenly realize (and I xD) of much of the blame in the matter. Sam betrayed him, yes, pout of control, which was strong enough to control his powers, blood and everything else. Should have been able to master that his arrogance and the imperative to demonstrate that it is inferior. In this sense, the guilt is still yours but now I'm a little more aware of how difficult that Dean put it on the road, the entire fourth season takes on a new dimension far more fair and interesting for me. It's amazing what this series is dynamic in that sense, chapters are then able to continue to add depth and complexity of situations and events including past seasons. Now understand much better what Sam meant when he said he fled with Ruby mainly because of Dean. Not only was the fault of the sar is return the favor. "
;___________;! this phrase is so beautiful. It reminds me a little when John told Dean before he died he had been caring for him, I mean, it's one of those times when the "greatest" recognizes that the "small" has given three times in a matter of maturity. It was a precious moment, really beautiful ...
Sam and Dean:
I do not know pq separations in this post by pq I'm mixing everything and I feel like it xD But this capital is as much comment that I am not able to follow a structure at the entrance xD they stuck to comment on Sam and Dean must insist that the fact had reconciled as quickly as a 90% chanceities that ruined the chapter for me. Well, this has not happened ... Pq mainly has been no reconciliation, and unbelievable half-measures like the end of The End. This reconciliation me I truly believed. What happened in between has been such a significant and important, intense and somewhat revealing as to really believe this reconciliation. It was true. Do not feel like a silly excuse to still be able to handle cases with them together, no, I feel like a huge step forward for the relationship of the brothers. At the end of the day how long ago did not see a scene like that at the end? Not even were in the Impala but pointed more to the typical scenes, Impala end of capital of 1.2 or 3 seasons that nothingwe've seen in ages. Hell, if Sam is allowed to afford to laugh and a half joking.
"You did, by the hair, but not hicieste"
xD It was ages since I could breathe some real good feeling between them (and good vibes chemistry between Jared and Jensen! God! Decades ago that tp felt that xD). Not that it is even good vibes all but you just have to see how they look to notice the change. So yes, I thought I was not going to like and finally I moved like a dog watching them reconnect and sending shit fate and put them ahead as they are together. This little music in the background at the end of the chapter as anticipating war has touched me even more * _ * Now I want my old Sam and Dean backto show what they are capable. The scene of killing Dean Zach has been a good hint of it. THAT is my Dean, really.
Zach: Do you know who I am? ... After I Deliver you to Michael?
Dean: Expendable
Buah, I almost start to applaud Dean in this scene is amazing, I have no choice but to forgive him for all the principle capullez if I put thus beater. How has killed Zach has been a past
. It was literally how to recover from the clutches of emo-land. That attitude, that emotional step to kick-ass Dean-Dean I have felt in the soul. Which by the way, that smile and the nod to Sam, for a moment I thought it was Michael, I got scared often .... If you thought quand Jensen would not be able to achieve registration of Matt and Michael was totally wrong O_O That smile and that twinkle was totally Matt-Miki (this almost sounds like mc burger donnalds xD). Seriously, even if Michael made me suspect possessed no truth to Dean but is feigning or you are leaving the control temporarily, the end of the technically and said yes. I know it's unlikely (not impossible), but Jensen does not change the registry so lightly, at least they did for one to carry the shock at the time or something ... Or maybe I'm just misinterpreting the tone of that smile and that wink ... IAH, I do not know, either way I loved, was tb one pass all the time voltage + wink mojabragas *_________*
TAS these words of Zach ... The Winchis are co-dependent to unhealthy levels. When it comes to the other, everything else becomes secondary. The test is like sending Dean to hell all, the whole world loses faith in his brother in the wake of these visions in Heaven. Or Cas, and Bobby, and welfare of people around the world are sufficient. Has needed to restore that faith in Sam to continue having faith in others. As I commented to Thai last week, Dean's faith in other things is supported by his faith in Sam, and if you lose it, everything else falls apart. The decisions are completely conditioned by the other and are able to block everything else around them just as Lucifer and Michael have finished draggingthe world with their fighting and are unable to look beyond. But I need not explain anything or pq Dean himself says it best in one sentence:
"The world is running out, the walls are coming upon us, and I look and the only thing I can think is: ' The stupid bastard has brought me here'...."
No matter what is happening at that moment, the only thing I can think is that his brother trusted him and can not disappoint. Ains, is that it does not matter, everything, when it comes to another. May already be the world ablaze around him who do not care. What of these two is too much for me *___* the end really going to get me back wincestido to redeem himself for his mistakes in the fourth, wants to prove his brother is not lost, it can still be himself released from his dark and I do well.
"I'm Gonna Prove It To You"
said in The End. And so tb said in the last chapter could not do this alone ... If you have a Dean, you do not have anyone to show all this, there is simply no reason to make the effort ... Just as Dean had lost feeling that Sam threw in the towel, I'm sure Sam without Dean succumb again to the blood and their powers ...
"We Keep Each Other human" ...
I'm surprised again as they have in this series of spin it around and psychological consistency la near-unique in its intervention in the capital ... * _ * PD2.: I love Jake Abel, she is capable of tracing tone of voice that are fucking "Winchester" OO as when he says it's
"What? We gonna hop in the Family Truckster? Pop on down to Wally world? "
PD3.: I am increasingly convinced that Eric is a fan of CLAMP or something, WTF, it almost seemed that Dean wanted to be him and only he who fights against Sam when it came ... Well, I do not know what surprised me, and once Sam told Dean that he was the Uncia could kill ...
PD4.: The park scene Adam has been a pass, surreal total *.* Tb the issue of room at the end ...
PD5.: Despite the usual length I have the feeling50 Things I stopped by to comment, in order, and will in the comments xD PD6.: For the record, one sack to my Van Damme fangirl on special occasions, the capital and put me fangirlera deserved it xD