Title: Carnivora I
Author: Sasori Hashira
Notes: Gore, if you do not like to see references to cannibalism not go.
Character: Hibari Kyoya
Notes: Well ... Dino Hibari ... and ... there is no love here, just greed. There next episode of the same theme ... to see if I can think of.
Where does the battle cry (so to call it) and begins legitimate intention to take the life with his teeth?
& nbs, Paralyzed, watched as the creature of his limbs being stretched beyond its limit, detaching the roots of the furry little body.
never saw the inside meat, bones. Never saw so much guts. Gore never saw such a violent way. Mad meowing for help. Those dogs were distributed to a cat that remained alive much longer than it should have been more gracious giving so heartless that may exist. Quartered conscious.was the image that fits the child
CHTrevival of that run, indicating that this is a predator, "the predator" looking at a potential prey (their food), and tense muscles
like pistons ultrasensitive, and shakes the adrenaline shooting should be using to escape, and buzzing in the ears and alert throughout the body to react quickly to survive as the stubborn and pragmatic reasoning argues that a being can not simply homo sapiens, for ethical reasons,bite (to eat) another of his species and that this pertenecíaa the jungle not the twentieth century ... what a dilemma ...
At least until their batons out, there will come out feet ifor
But what about ethics, which is moral in that sentence ...?
"bite you to death"
not stay to ask ... simply flee when in doubt ...
boasts several appetizers Hibari . Appreciate that variety is the spice and yours is almost as sophisticated as it is exclusive, therefore discrete (clearly has his troop of herbivores masochistic and mindless, Kusakabe, Cavallone ... and give some examples)
usually takes care of his prized in school ( The only thing that matters as much or more than itself)
mocking the runaway sheep bleating their fear even step away to breathe too hard lest the carnivore Nanimori headed for them and bite them ... no ... send them to the hospital in two separate tonfazos scattered right and left. Many have this, look for any excuse to hit and when it does not stop until you hear the bones crushed yield. There have been fleeting enjoyment, his hobby, are too vulgar to be bitten by both severely punished for notbe more desirable to satisfy your gluttony, until the late arrival of empty-headed Italian for "training"
(Nonsense, is believed to have control and can not take two steps without tripping. It has nothing)
Hibari disparage it, is scrapping (like everyone)
but, of course, Dino plays, is skilled, strong, was a pupil of the baby with Tsunayoshi ... are many positive factors associated with its ridiculous childish added to the inability to beat him during the fight so greatly unhinged. This would be a major problem ifnbsp;("oh Kyoya) perceiving all that being
ALLThe constitution, pulse, temperature, breathing life ... that exquisite fc , musician, infuriating ...
teeth mercilessly buried in failing esternocleido retained, pressed and boot, made out blood, gave him another gear, followed by others, successive insolent, angry, in the pronounced biceps, toned chest, everywhere he found leaving behind ... exposed flesh torn, split ma ...Nando streaks of crimson liquid quench their voracious thirst. ...
Maybe it was Dino who fucks Hibari feeling so happy or whatever, however pay dearly for his temerity to try to mitigate the beast. For the child was only a delicacy. The grotesque grooves deform the smooth skin of the Italian gay for life ... as if it was a leprosy or some type of tissue-eating bacteria identified in its innocence as a fetish of her lover.Iluso. mocked Hibari Dino whenever she repeated that she loved giving her a kiss or a pu & n