last week, and is the only one who has been honest with the child in this chapter. Castiel
lied "I will not hurt you"
, Dean lied, the devil lies, her parents lie... all lie unless you Sam. Now think of a character to us this season that seems to hate the lie and not get tired of telling everyone that he does not lie or thinking about it. Bingo, our friend Luci. Coincidence again?
And to the opposite side we have Dean, who by nature has always been a bit unable to lie xD He told the truth about monsters when Sammy was just a wally of more than 9 years, he confessed that his father had order to kill him in less than two television news, he admitted that he had sold his soul for it a few hours to do, when he returned from hell finally confessed what he did sooner rather than later ... Dean did not know how to hide things, you eat inside, and c can not liehen do is simply very wrong with that xDDDDD But in this capital suddenly somehow he is seen appreciating the usefulness of lies. Lies to the kid, in a lovely, but it lies ( "Like x-men?" "Exactly! As in x-men!" that cute *____* xD), lies about no friend Cas (still do not know exactly why) and the capital with him just thinking about him like his father had lied to them and realizing that the lies are not always harmful.
jajajajajajajaja that cute xD Jesse comes to me to the list of characters with charisma and adorabiliGive immediate, as Chuck xD I hope to come out of these characters pq side come out as soon as the public is one of the reasons why I fell in love with this series xD And actorcito tb is very good, and not just him, children but the rest of the chapter, I do not know how they managed to run so well to kids in the series ..
Dean: Kid, you're awesome ... Uah
I love that they have chosen a little boy to give such power. I thought the idea of Antichrist will not be cool no pq me would be like stepping on a little the face of Sam, and downplay what has been for the series ... But treating it as they have done is, rather as the "weapon" of Lucifer, not standing for anything the importance of Samin the series. And I love the fact that a mere child choose to do so tremendously powerful, is the best way to have that power "out of control" as well ... no matter how mature is this kid is still a kid. For a moment I thought I had wanted to disappear so as not to cause problems for their parents, but that would be a very difficult decision for a kid .. just as it would decide to go with Winchis and fight ... So he probably went to Australia to do so it seems that I always wanted to do, surf xDDDDDDDD is a kid at the end of the day right?
xD I have wanted to see what happens when you re-appear, as I said Mai, if Sam has finally Luci is going to be very easy to convince him and put his side was Sam pqthe one who told the truth in this chapter. If I had to choose again, probably would choose to trust him. If what I say ... all they do trying to avoid the fate merely provoke.
About Sam ... I think I'm still pissed at him ... perfectly even acknowledge their efforts and in this chapter is again how sorry he is and as it is fully determined not to make the same mistakes. Not that it does not value her character is growing a lot individually, but as to his relationship with Dean ... sigh, I can not help it, I think I will upset until I show that this reconciliation of Winchis was not as "unfair" as I see it ... Yesterday I was listening to this dog
tion and certain parts of the letter
reminded me a bit by Sammy the third season that he wanted his brother to leave him alone and I realized that what gives me most pain of all is the fact that it seems that Sam no longer wants to be the younger brother of Dean ... I mean, Sam was always selfish, but before it was within its little brother role, that is considered as natural and right that Dean was always above yours ... That selfishness never cared not the least, but now ... sigh. I think it makes me sad and deep down I dislike this kind of "independence" are looking for, it remains a sickly character beater to the relationship had always been the Winchis ... Sam may want your relationship changequivocados? Well ... I do not know if it can save millions by killing a kid I have not so clear that it was an easy decision to make for any of us and q much less for an angel who has had those beliefs stuck in the head forever. It definitely seems that we almost forgot that Cas is an angel and so their decisions are not always as comprehensive or human. Besides that I personally have a lot molado that his confrontation with Sam, first pq has been the only one to date has had to tell the truth webos straight across the face (not because I like Sam, but I think Cas own doing something xDDD) and second joder pq somehow entitled to do so, I mean that Cas hasue are those who are ... If Sam could not make the right decision "pq going to make it a kid anyone?. His attitude in this capital is based on facts and not emotions like, "you had half the blame here and I half there." Cas still has to learn a lot of humans to understand everything that Sam has gone. Simply do not think I can fully understand pq Sam decided to take demon blood when it was something that was obviously wrong, do not even think it is their intention to do so only limited to the facts. I
What was unclear was the position of Dean in all this, it is as if once he were the gray between the extremes ... generally would have been he who say the words of Sam but this time it is especially limeside ... (Though perhaps only pq is Sam now seems to be "the boss" xDDDD)
In any case, Sam and Cas have some chemistry bad scene, I would like to exploit a bit more before that would make peace, was a the most tense moment * _ * I have molado stab at Twilight and the Vampire Diaries and roll teen vampire's hot xDDDDD no longer be cut or even criticize his series broadcast partner xD These people do what they feel like it xD Basically I'm glad that mainstream audiences do not know to appreciate, is almost more a compliment than anything else xDDDDD Mai told me before you read one out there saying something like:
"The angel of Mr. announces the arrival of the Antichrist, and immediately he throws aNo you could have killed your brother.
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