First of all ... .
YOU KNOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The
sabiaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Mai and I have been talking about this for centuries. We are a genius!! (* * Modesty aside) And when I say ever say that Mai already begun to speculate on daddy-Winchi God being parallel to the end of the second season (* a cookie for her *). I recognize that not all had me until the capheading for Adam, but since then I was sure that the parallels could not be coincidence. He had lost a little hope because of "The End" but it looks almost better, so I served as a diversionary maneuver to triple excited now! (As I did with Sam being the recipient of Lucifer: _).
And I'M SO illusion!! I do not fit in my rejoicing!
That's Why There's no stopping this ... Because this isn't about a war, it's about two brothers That Loved Each Other, and betrayed Each Other.
This is what I wanted to see, as Lucifer and Michael have spent their history by placing the legs heaven and hellup because of a brotherly relationship at all ... healthy xDDDD And now Dean and Sam walk upside down by putting the land because of other brotherly relationship at all ... xDDDDDDDDD healthy
Arrrrghh this is too epic! FUCKING EPIC!
The brothers are for pq the essence of their relationship is so strong and destructive as that of Michael and Lucifer.
One brother has to kill the Other
jksdhs skjdsjks kjh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG do not tell me this, the fate of the brothers is to kill each other, as is that of Michael and Lucifer and can not stop pq are opposite but complementary forces and repel the same way they are attracted to the point that are able dmore words I just said! I LOVE Supernatural! This series just gets me these joys :___)
Now what I still say the picture is that it's
Lucifer "I loved him, More Than Anything" referring to God ... I mean, not that I forget the fundamental role of God in all this and not at all unreasonable to see that each and every one of the angels love God above everything, including his brothers, is their "duty" at the end nonetheless. But does that mean that Sam wanted more to John than Dean? He never gave me this feeling the truth .... John Dean if it yet, but Sam? I do not know, we've always said that Dean was more a father to him than his own John ... Is it true that this vision was manipulated by Zachariah?It may also be that Lucifer hates both Miguel would not recognize now that she loved him and died ... Or you may simply be that not everything has to be
Mai and I had thought it might be God, and although we theorized lot about Gabriel, nignĂșn time we went through his head that he was NOT UNDERSTAND AND PQ! Pq is PERFECT! It is as I imagined, without taking part in either side, and some bastard playful, extremely powerful but a little allergic to responsibility. The type of "person" who always camouflages his painjokes of all kinds. Generally I do not like the characters stop what they are up to the 90-odd episode but hey, in this case I make an exception pq everything fits so beautifully that I can not believe they had not thought, at least from Mystery Spot . Even then they must know, at least, that the Trickster was not a pagan god either. To begin pq to date there have been many pagan gods and none of them had minimal powers similar to those of the Trickster (in fact, at some point in the series, most of them had that rare and fast movement of the head which made the Hilton, Trickster but never did ...) And to top it comes Zachariah, shows his power and spent the chapter thinking that had to be the Trickster ininstead of him, and pussy! Drawer is that it was! Are the same powers and the same modus operandi was castigated * * It had to be an angel. It is also surprising how much fits the fact that Mystery Spot Sam wanted to convince that leave him now, that the bloodshed would stop each other, the only thing that is going to get killed ... It is clear that the poor Gabri was reliving the same story in the Winchis again and could not stand it. It was always strange that the Trickster will take the trouble to teach Sam a lesson then and now everything makes so much sense it's scary. Either the story of SPN is more planned than we are led to believe, or are simply geniuses taking those elements that have been raised and financeolos fit like a puzzle: O
I just want it to Be Over
Gabriel makes me sad, in fact, tb Rafael ... they are tired of seeing their brothers trying to kill ... Or just be a bunch of Nazis are desperate, the angels are pure creatures by nature and when two members of your family who want alike who come to these extremes should be damn hard. No wonder Gabri "will be from home" for not having to endure. Even I've been wanting to do ever. When it comes to family, these things are sometimes unbearable. I like that Eric has remained true to the philosophy of this series and trying to follow the family until the end (and more specifically of brothers obsessionVery strong xDD ALOOOOOOOOOL
musiquita LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL By god!! these people can not have more chutzpah, what a way to laugh at his fellow xDDDDDDDD grill (fortunately they are the first to laugh at themselves tb xD) juas, but tiny jab.
"What calms me? I'm wearing sunglasses at night!! Do you know who hasce that? No talent asshole! "I LOVE YOU DEAN
Ains that good all, I laugh every time I remember Jeremy when he wants a few dashes bestial, the pace is somewhat messy, is not so compact and perfect capital as the Mystery Spot, but also has been great = D The downside is that Castiel has left a pokito in some scenes of this capital (I can not believe I'm saying this xDDDD) but it's true, could have given a sentence at the end or something so that I can not stay that feeling ... (is that they get the bros in the car and Cas is because there is not careless xDDD poor tell a sad "See, Cas" or anything xD * The Angel invisible *) The fact is that it is true thator the appearance of Castiel was worth seeing as long as it should have gone crazy looking for a Dean for days * _ * And Dean on his part? oh god, cute as he is concerned, things have changed a lot between them, really, and one could even say that Dean considered one of the family * _ *
much as I liked Dean has put dot the i's Gabriel, being so passionate, sure for a moment Michael Gabri has seen him, and of course, you have given plenty to think about now. I hope that when you again see you have decided to do something to "save" their brothers
* _ * And speaking of Michael and Dean, as things go it would make sense that Michael was neither very bad nor very
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